Nicole J Simms/ June 26, 2021/ Blog/ 0 comments

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My Supernatural Horror and Ghost Horror Indie Author Reading List

I have a short post for you today: I want to share my supernatural horror and ghost horror indie author reading list.

So, why did I create this reading list? If you’re a regular visitor to my website, you know I’m a big fan of reading a set of books in the genre I plan to write my novel or series in. For me, reading is the best way to learn the rules of a genre.

I mentioned in my ‘My New Plan — A June 2021 Writing Update’ post that I am writing a ghost horror novella-in-flash. Now, I have read and watched many supernatural/ghost horrors, but I have not read many supernatural/ghost horrors written by indie authors.

So, since I’m an indie horror author, I thought I best correct this, so I created this indie author reading list.

Okay, that’s enough waffling. Here are the 10 indie authors and books I plan to read:

  1. Lee Mountford — Haunted Perron Manor, Book 1 in the Haunted series
  2. Amy Cross — The Haunting of Nelson Street, Book 1 in The Ghosts of Crowford series
  3. Marc Layton — The Galston House (You can only get this book when you sign up for the author’s newsletter)
  4. Shani Struthers — The Haunting of Highdown Hall, Book 1 in the Psychic Surveys series
  5. Steve Hudgins — Spirit Stalkers
  6. David Clark — The Ghosts of Miller’s Crossing, Book 1 in the Miller’s Crossing series
  7. Ron Ripley — Worthe’s Village, Book 1 in the Haunted Village series
  8. Cat Knight — The Haunting of Dark Angel Tunnel, Book 23 in the Hauntings Of series
  9. Carrie Bates — The Zoo Haunting
  10. Riley Amitrani — The Haunting of Devil’s Pit Pub

To create this reading list, I looked for the popular indie authors in the ghost horror subgenre on Amazon, and I then looked through the ‘Also Read’ section on Amazon to find the other authors.

Many of the ghost horror books are set in haunted houses, but I wanted to read books set in a variety of places. Thankfully, I found some books set in a range of haunted locations, such as a haunted zoo. I’ve never read or watched anything set in a haunted zoo before, so I’m looking forward to reading that one.

So, those are the 10 books I plan to read. I will let you know my thoughts on each book in a future post, but as a little spoiler, I’ve already read Haunted: Perron Manor by Lee Mountford, and I loved it—I would recommend it to anyone looking for a spooky read.

Have you heard read any of these indie authors? Or do you have any recommendations? Let me know in the comments below.

Stay safe and keep writing, folks!

Don’t forget, you can follow me on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads or like my Facebook page.

You can also join my Facebook groups: Setting Self-Doubt on Fire Squad, which is for writers; and The Nicole J. Simms Squad, which is for readers who enjoy my stories and want a sneak peek into what I’m working on before anyone else.

Also, I’ve also created a Nicole J Simms YouTube channel. On my channel, I will be sharing videos of my performances, trips, writing group adventures and my stories.

And, you can also download my e-books Merry Dreadmas for FREE, so check it out.

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