Quarter 4 Goals and a Writing Update

Nicole J Simms/ October 4, 2020/ Blog/ 0 comments

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It’s October! Can you believe it? Not only is October the month for Halloween and Preptober, but it’s also the first month of the last quarter of the year. So it seemed like the ideal time to set some new goals and give a writing update.

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Shower Idea

Nicole J Simms/ April 16, 2013/ Blog/ 0 comments

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So, what have I been up to (writing wise) these past few weeks? Well, I’ve done many things, but first I want to tell you about the one place that helps me to develop and grow my story ideas. What’s the place? Well, it’s the shower. I don’t know what it is about the shower that enables me to go

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Pen to Paper

Nicole J Simms/ March 5, 2013/ Blog/ 0 comments

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After a long break, I have finally started to write again. Since beginning this journey, I had become obsessed with the idea of being published, so I wrote then submitted, wrote and then submitted. And what followed was a several rejection kicks to the gut, leaving me winded and deflated. So, just like with many other times in my life,

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