Welcome to my website. This website is my writing portfolio where you can see all my published stories. As well as a portfolio of work, from here you can keep up to date with my latest news, and my general thoughts on this unexpected writing journey of mine. So if you’re a publisher, editor, reader, alien, etc., please feel free to browse.

Latest Published Book

Merry Dreadmas

Merry Dreadmas

December 9, 2020 1:42 pm

Enjoy eight Christmas-themed horror flash fictions that’ll make you see Christmas differently this year.

In this collection, the characters are all different, but they have one thing that unites them: they all learn that not everyone has a Merry Christmas; some have a Merry Dreadmas.

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Latest Published Short Stories

Why Should I Wear a Mask?

Why Should I Wear a Mask?

August 29, 2020 2:47 pm

‘Why Should I Wear a Mask?’ is a 100-word short story. John refuses to wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic, but his decision is something he may live to regret.

The story was written for the Friday Flash Fiction’s Edinburgh Festival Competition. I didn’t win the competition, but my story was published on the website — all accepted entries are posted on the website. And it got a good comment, so I’m happy about that.

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Latest Blog Post

Q2 2021 Goals Review and Q3 2021 Goals

Q2 2021 Goals Review and Q3 2021 Goals

July 18, 2021 6:21 pm

It’s July, and that means we are in the third quarter of 2021. Wow, we’re halfway through the year. This year is flying by, and I’m struggling to keep up.

I had many plans for the second quarter. I promised myself that I would finally be focused and motivated, but that didn’t happen. It wasn’t a complete failure, though. Q2 was a quarter that involved a lot of rethinking. I figured out what was holding me back, what I wanted to work on and what kind of author I want to be.

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