It’s September! Oh no, there are only four months left of 2020. How did that happen? Okay, shock over — well, not really, I just need to move on to the post topic.
So, as it’s a new month, and near the end of the third quarter of 2020, I thought now would be the right time to give you a little writing update and share what my plans are for September.
At the beginning of August, I told you all that I had changed my writing plans for 2020, and that left me with the following goals:
- I will be publishing a supernatural thriller novelette instead of my horror flash fiction collection.
- I will write my second standalone novel and start editing it this year.
- I will write the first book in my supernatural mystery series.
- I will study screenwriting and playwriting, and I will even write my own screenplay or stage play.
- I will write the first novel in my Middle-Grade supernatural mystery series.
So, what have I done? Well, I’ve changed my mind again, and I will edit my flash fiction collection — I will just take it slow. And I’ve decided to do a paranormal cozy mystery novella series instead of the supernatural thriller novelette.
On 1st September, I started writing my second standalone novel. So far, I have just over 2,500 words. This is the first novel I have written in five years, and I’m a much slower writer than I was then. But it’s a start, and that’s better than nothing — this is what I keep telling myself. I haven’t managed to finish planning yet, but I have enough to start with.
I’m still planning to write my first Middle-Grade supernatural mystery series, and I have started making notes and exploring the idea.
Finally, I do still want to study playwriting and screenwriting, but I might not be able to start until next year.
So those are my plans for now. I just now need to get them done. Wish me luck!
How is your writing going, and what are your plans for September? Let me know in the comment box below. I’d love to know your plans.
Stay safe and keep writing, folks!
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You can also join my Facebook groups: Setting Self-Doubt on Fire Squad, which is for writers; and The Nicole J. Simms Squad, which is for readers who enjoy my stories and want a sneak peek into what I’m working on before anyone else.
Also, I’ve also created a Nicole J Simms YouTube channel. On my channel, I will be sharing videos of my performances, trips, writing group adventures and my stories.
And, you can also download my e-books Merry Dreadmas and The Book of Drabbles for FREE, so check them out.